November 20, 2017 “Grief Care for Families” Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center (Tokyo, Japan)

November 20, 2017 “Grief Care for Families” Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center (Tokyo, Japan)

東京ベイ・浦安市川医療センターにお邪魔し、ホスピスにおける家族ケアというタイトルでホスピスハワイ での取り組みについてご紹介しました。ホスピスでは患者の方が入所の段階から必要に応じてグリーフカウンセラーが介入し、患者の方やご家族のケアにあたります。そして死後は13ヶ月に渡って遺族へのケアを提供します。こういった専門家によるグリーフサポートが日本の緩和ケア・ホスピスケアにも早く定着する日が来ますように。


Dr. Morita presented a lecture on “Grief Care for Families” to physicians, nurses and pharmacists at the Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center in Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Morita discussed the need for healthcare providers to address issues related to grief in order to treat the “entire” patient. Dr. Morita emphasized that the issue of grief is one confronted not only by patients facing their own end-of-life issues but also the family members and loved ones of the dying patient. This team approach to end-of-life issues is largely absent in the Japanese healthcare system even though it is widely accepted in western medicine and institutions.

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